Opening + Live-Performance Wed, 30.10.2024, 6 pm
Free admission 6 pm Opening
Martina Kandeler-Fritsch, Deputy Artistic Director, MAK
Bernhard Günther, Artistic Director, Wien Modern
Salome Meyer, Ambassador of Switzerland
6.30 pm Live-Performance
πTon (2017) − 20'
ProgramCod.Act Performances featuring Sound Installation
πTon (2017) − 20'
MAK Columned Main Hall
30.10.2024, 6.30 pm
31.10.2024, 5.15 pm
1.11.2024, 5.15 pm
2.11.2024, 5.15 pm
3.11.2024, 5.15 pm
πTon/2. Kinetic Sound Installation (2017 EA) − 14'
MAK Forum
will be performed daily at half-hourly intervals
TicketsAdmission is free to the opnieng on 30.10. from 6 pm,
a museum ticket is required on all other days
Regular online: € 15,50
on site: € 16,50 Reduced online: € 12,50Reduced on site: € 13,50With Wien Modern Festival Pass online and on site
: € 13,20Free admission: children and teensunder 19
Further discounts and tickets at
Cod.Act: πTon:
Wien Modern and MAK – Museum of Applied Arts
With the kind support of the Swiss Embassy in Vienna and the Pro Helvetia Swiss Arts Council
πTon was realized with the kind support of État de Neuchâtel, Ville de la Chaux‐de‐Fonds, Commune de Valbroye, Fondation Ernst Göhner, Fondation Nicati-de Luze, Fondation Culturelle de la Banque Cantonale Neuchâteloise,
Migros Kulturprozent, and Loterie Romande
πTon/2 was realised with the kind support of Faulhaber Drive Systems
A Production of Wien Modern and the MAK – Museum of Applied Arts, Vienna
With the kind support of the Swiss Embassy in Vienna and the Pro Helvetia Swiss Arts Council