Duty of information accroding to the Austrian e-commerce act and disclosure according to the Austrian media act

Media owner and service provider
MAK – Austrian Museum of Applied Arts
Stubenring 5
1010 Vienna 
T +43 1 71136-0
F +43 1 7131026

Legal form of enterprise: Wissenschaftliche Anstalt öffentlichen Rechts [public scientific institution]
Companies' register number: FN200026g
Branche: Museum
VAT no: ATU 370 65 803
General and Artistic Director: Lilli Hollein
MAK Supervisory Board
Astrid Gilhofer (Chair)
Elisabeth Gürtler (Vice Chair)
Claudia Oetker, Art Collector, Frankfurt/Vienna
Barbara Glück, Director Mauthausen Memorial
Martin Böhm, Dorotheum GmbH & Co KG
Alfred Grinschgl, Federal Ministry of Finance
Alexander Palma, Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs
Otto Aiglsperger, Union of Public Services
Judith Huemer, MAK
In its capacity as a federal museum, the MAK is a public scientific institution, and under the terms of the Austrian Federal Museums Act, it comes under the supervision of the Federal Chancellery of Austria and under the control of the Auditor General.
In its capacity as a commercial enterprise (MAK Design Shop, Imaging Services and Permission), the MAK is a member of the Vienna Economic Chamber and is subject to the relevant provisions of trade-and-industry law.

Annual Report 2022
Annual Report 2021
Annual Report 2020
Annual Report 2019
Annual Report 2018
Annual Report 2017

MAK Frauenförderungsplan (in German)
BMKÖS Fairness-Codex für Kunst und Kultur in Österreich
BMKÖS Leitfaden Kultur für Sponsoring und Drittmitttel

The web pages of MAK – Museum of Applied Arts (www.MAK.at), their structure and all the information, data, texts, image and sound material contained therein, as well as all components employed for guaranteeing the functionality of these elements, are protected by copyright. The contents are only free for personal use in the context of the offered functionalities of the webpages. All other forms of use are prohibited. All photographic material is free for personal use and for use on social media channels only.
Website by Bueronardin / JART