4.30 PM
Exhibition Tours
The fest as an ephemeral event has repeatedly prompted designers from the fields of art, architecture, design, and music, to translate design traditions and art discourse into the excesses of a wild night or into the celebration of a worthy occasion. Conversely, these transient freedoms have stimulated and tested new formats and content. Fests document social urgencies and, in the process, changes—both large and small. The MAK exhibition THE FEST: Between Representation and Revolt brings cultural and social history to life and addresses the significance of design strategies for everyday culture.
Language: The tour is held in German.
Tour fee: € 5 + admission to the museum
Meeting point: MAK Columned Main Hall
Headphones: an audio system may be used for the tour. In the interest of sustainability, please provide your own (3.5 mm standard connector) headphones if possible. Alternatively, you can also buy headphones for € 1 at the Ticket Desk.
No registration required