As part of the exhibition series GARAGE EXCHANGE VIENNA – LOS ANGELES, former Schindler scholarship holders are invited to realize exhibitions in the space on the garage roof of the Mackey Apartments with reference to artists and architects of their choice from Los Angeles. The exhibition series is made possible by the BMKÖS [Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, Civil Service and Sport].
MAK Center Los Angeles, Mackey Apartments Garage Top
The 23rd edition of GARAGE EXCHANGE VIENNA – LOS ANGELES features new works from Vienna- and Berlin based artist Kathi Hofer, who provides insight into her ongoing investigation of “Grandma Prisbrey’s Bottle Village,” built by Tressa Prisbrey (1896–1988) between 1956 and 1972 in Simi Valley located northwest of Los Angeles. Like much of Los Angeles‘ “architecture without architects,” Bottle Village is constructed with “neither model nor plan,” built with the material at hand: in this case discarded bottles and other throwaway materials gleaned from the local landfill. Kathi Hofer works with forms of everyday creativity, observing change in their meaning and value when they are repurposed within her installations.