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Mackey Apartments
"The Desert - Between Vision and Reality was a three-part project that focused on memory and the mental spaces that continuously overlay architecture. The final installation included outdoor projections, a short video, and images of a mental map of Los Angeles. A second project titled "The World Above Us - A Global Millenium Project" was conceived in collaboration with Daniel Hildmann.
(Re:)tracing, The 70s Feminist Art Movement in Los Angeles was a documentation project of an investigation into art, feminism, and art history. Key sites in the feminist history of Los Angeles were photographed and displayed at the Mackey Apartments together with a video documenting the project.
Cluster City examined strategies for city development by addressing the nature of urban growth and the horizontality of sprawl. The project focused on the environs of Los Angeles through drawings, images, and models.City Cooler" was a second project that involved an inflatable system developed in collaboration with Gunther Schatz.
"Depafit" examined the former residence of R.M. Schindler on Kings Road as it has been used as a public space since the 1970s. Pauline Schindler's studio was boarded with depafit, a smooth, delicate material used for building architecture models. Elements that were more likely associated with "atmosphere" were removed, creating a simultaneous experience of the room in its actual form and its distanced, artificial condition. "The Garage" was a project that examined a room of displacement and loneliness due to the fact that the garage was barely furnished. The inventory seemed to fulfill only basic requirements: one refrigerator, eight chairs, one shelf, one tv, a videorecorder, and ten films. A third project entitled "The Schleicher from Vienna" was realized in collaboration with Tanja Widmann.
(Re:)tracing, The 70s Feminist Art Movement in Los Angeles was a documentation project of an investigation into art, feminism, and art history. Key sites in the feminist history of Los Angeles were photographed and displayed at the Mackey Apartments together with a video documenting the project.
Cluster City examined strategies for city development by addressing the nature of urban growth and the horizontality of sprawl. The project focused on the environs of Los Angeles through drawings, images, and models.City Cooler" was a second project that involved an inflatable system developed in collaboration with Gunther Schatz.
"Depafit" examined the former residence of R.M. Schindler on Kings Road as it has been used as a public space since the 1970s. Pauline Schindler's studio was boarded with depafit, a smooth, delicate material used for building architecture models. Elements that were more likely associated with "atmosphere" were removed, creating a simultaneous experience of the room in its actual form and its distanced, artificial condition. "The Garage" was a project that examined a room of displacement and loneliness due to the fact that the garage was barely furnished. The inventory seemed to fulfill only basic requirements: one refrigerator, eight chairs, one shelf, one tv, a videorecorder, and ten films. A third project entitled "The Schleicher from Vienna" was realized in collaboration with Tanja Widmann.
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