In the eponymous animation film, a robot covered in black fur is chopping down the last tree on Earth to a soundscape of radio waves reminiscent of birdsong. The cinematic plot is continued in the real exhibition space where 3D-printed digital twins of recombined museum objects—“Grenzgänger” (“crossers”)—populate the a flooded landscape as enigmatic hybrid creatures.
With this first solo exhibition in Austria, Troika focuses on the complex forms of non-human intelligence and raises questions regarding the adaptation of living beings to climate change as well as the digital afterlife of human myths, culture, and history.
Curator: Marlies Wirth, Curator, Digital Culture and MAK Design Collection
6 pm
Artist Talk with Troika and Marlies Wirth
Followed by the opening of the exhibition
Lilli Hollein, General Director, MAK
Marlies Wirth, Curator
Free admission to the talk and opening
Exhibition Dates
A project by the MAK in the context of the Klima Biennale Wien 2024
Reduced admission to the MAK with the Klima Biennale Festival Pass