Design & Innovation

Cross-Border Cooperation between Design Institutions Traditioning to the Digital Age

Project Manager: Marlies Wirth, Curator, Digital Culture and MAK Design Collection; Assistants: Viktoria Heinrich, MAK Design Collection; Eva Adam-Maxa, Project Assistent EU Interreg SK-AT
Project Duration: 2018–2020

Project Manager MAK: 
Marlies Wirth, Curator, Digital Culture and MAK Design Collection
Assistants: Viktoria Heinrich, MAK Design Collection; Eva Adam-Maxa, Project Assistent EU Interreg SK-AT

Project Partners:
Slovenské centrum dizajnu | Slovak Design Center (Lead Partner in project)
MAK – Museum für angewandte Kunst | Museum of Applied Arts, Vienna
Vysoká škola výtvarných umení v Bratislave | Academy of Fine Arts and Design Bratislava
Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien | University of Applied Arts Vienna

Strategic Partners: 
SK: Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic
Foundation Cvernovka
Bratislava Self-Governing Region
AT: AIT Austrian Institute of Technology
Kunsthalle Wien
Architekturzentrum Wien

Slovenská verzia

How must we change our habits and patterns of consumption to positively influence the health and development of nature and civilization? What is the material from which the fabric of the future will be woven? What are the positive or negative side-effects of human achievements and innovative problem solving? What forms of production will still make sense tomorrow? Who shapes what shapes us? What new “applied values” or guidelines for action can facilitate meaningful coexistence between humans and machines? What dilemmas will confront design in the future? How and what should we produce in a post-growth society, and how can our consumption habits be fair, sustainable, and rational? What consequences will a public welfare economy have for the market economy, and new forms of education for the future of work? How can we develop from being “quantified selves” to being a “qualified us”?

This cooperation between the Slovak Design Center and the MAK (EU Interreg SK–AT) examines “Design & Innovation” from a number of perspectives: it investigates new materials, post-abundance design, food design, commons, and the rational use of new digital technologies in the field of design and discusses these in a public forum with selected international experts associated with the partner institutions.

The results of the project will flow into the newly conceived MAK DESIGN LAB within the framework of the VIENNA BIENNALE FOR CHANGE 2019. 

Most important project outputs
MAK Lab App
White Papers Database 

White Papers Database is the key output of the project Design & Innovation. Cross-border Cooperation of Design Institutions in Digital Age, supported by the cooperation program INTERREG V-A Slovakia–Austria 2014–2020. The chief aim of this project was to create a Slovak-Austrian research cooperation, which was focused on research of the most recent findings in the field of design and search for answers to the question of the use of technical and digital progress to improve the existence of society as a whole and develop sustainable solutions. The White Papers database offers various materials that document or are the result of activities and research carried out by Slovak Design Center in cooperation with its project partners. For each document, basic information is given (title, document type, in some cases short description). After clicking on the name of the document, it will be possible to view the document online or download it to your computer. 
White Papers Database

6 recipes for new materials 
A collection of 6 interesting recipes for materials you probably have never heard of. You can create them all without complicated technological procedures and special tools. The preparation process is semi-difficult, the production process can take several hours, sometimes you will need help of an adult, and all this will happen at your home! You will find that sometimes the waste you produce at home does not need to be thrown away. We wish you many successful experiments!

The project “Design & Innovation” (2018–2020) is financially supported by the EU program INTERREG V-A Slovakia–Austria.

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