Longing for Labor, Work Artists

MAK Future Lab

Tue, 21.11.2017 7 pm9 pm
MAK Columned Main Hall

A series of talks organized by the MAK in cooperation with the Arbeiterkammer Wien as part of the MAK FUTURE LAB

Free admission 


The visibility, measurability, and value creation potential of individual skills and talents increase with the growth of digital resources. More than ever, self-reliance—making “something” of oneself—is the categorical imperative of the age. Remaining as we are is not an option. What are the consequences of this extreme focus on the value creation of human skills, or of qualities such as spontaneity, flexibility, originality, and creativity? Especially in an age in which robots are taking over more and more work processes, it is imperative to focus on those human qualities that cannot (yet) be duplicated by machines.

Alfredo Barsuglia, Artist
Gerald Bast, President, Vienna University of Applied Arts
Kathi Hofer, Artist
Caroline Krammer, Department of Social Insurance, Arbeiterkammer Wien
Elisabeth Noever-Ginthör, departure, Vienna Business Agency

Moderator: Janina Falkner, Neue Lernkonzepte, MAK

The MAK FUTURE LAB is a creative laboratory founded by the MAK – Austrian Museum of Applied Arts / Contemporary Art. Through workshops, lectures, panel discussions, and other formats the MAK FUTURE LAB generates interdisciplinary contributions to a humane shaping and utilization of Digital Modernity. It positions design, architecture, and fine art as driving forces of socially, ecologically, culturally, and economically sustainable market economy models. Through diverse cooperations, it networks these creative sectors with the fields of science, research, business, and politics. The MAK FUTURE LAB aspires to develop both holistic orientation models and strategies for the commons inspired by such models, as well as concrete, innovative business ideas for the future.