Dialogue Tour dead stock (in German)

With Artist Birke Gorm and Curator Marlies Wirth

Collecting archaic, easily accessible, often accidentally found material such as jute, terracotta, wood, and metal is characteristic of the work of Birke Gorm (born 1986 in Hamburg). 
Fri, 24.2.2023 4.30 pm5.30 pm
MAK – Museum of Applied Arts
Registration closed
Her sculptures convey a raw, appealing immediacy whose multilayered levels of meaning can be decoded upon closer inspection. She places the autonomy of the material in relation to historically traditional techniques and the associated distribution of gender roles. She combines the archaic with the aesthetics of the digital using current topics such as work, self-optimization, and social processes. 
Language: The tour is held in German.
Tour fee: € 3.50 + admission to the museum
Meeting point: MAK Columned Main Hall
Headphones: an audio system may be used for the tour. In the interest of sustainability, please provide your own (3.5 mm standard connector) headphones if possible. Alternatively, you can also buy headphones for € 1 at the Ticket Desk.

Please register 


with Kathrin Pokorny-Nagel
with Marlies Wirth